Summer is the best time to encourage children to be active outdoors. The sun will shine, and the days will get longer. If your child’s summer birthday is approaching, why don’t you celebrate it with an outdoor party?
Booking The Best Kid’s Entertainers
Throw a ball, even better! Playing ball games with your kids is a much more fun party than a fancy dress and dancing event. We have some fantastic ideas for throwing balls at children of all ages. It is a great way to get them moving, and it’s also good exercise.
Let’s get the ball rolling.
This could be an excellent place for your party with a large garden. Other options exist if your garden is unsuitable or you value your plants. There are many different options. You can also consider your local park or beach (if it’s close). Or a community center with outdoor space. You might have a family member willing to lend you their garden.
It’s best to always have a backup plan in lousy weather. This means bringing the party inside. It’s not as impossible as it seems. You can probably transfer kids’ ballgames indoors if you have rented a community center or similar area. But what about at home? Some games that require a lot of space or are more energetic may not work indoors, but many will.
Kids’ Ball Games for Outdoor Spaces
Three Leg Football
The race is based on the three-legged event and requires an equal number of participants.
Place the goal (for the starting line) on one side of the space and the length of the string at the opposite end.
Stand them together (with children of the same height).
Use strips of old sheets or scarves to tie their inner legs.
Each pair should be given a ball, and they should all line up at the starting line.
The winner is the first pair that scores a goal.
Ping-pong Spoon Race
Mark the start and end of a line with the string
Give each child one ping-pong and one spoon
Participants walk as quickly as possible without dropping their balls, placing the ball on the spoon.
A player who drops the ball must return to the starting line
The first child to reach the finish line with the ball on the spoon wins.
“Coconut” Shy
Enjoy the fair’s fun with just a few easy adaptations! Set up a table with empty food cans weighed with pebbles or sand. Tennis balls can be used to knock off coconuts. Use light balls for coconuts.
Mark the throwing line with a string
Four tennis balls are given to the first player who knocks a coconut off its stand
Reinstall knocked-over ‘coconuts” for the next child
The child who removes the most “coconuts” wins
Play-off if there is a draw.
Assault Course
It is important to finish the course as quickly as possible. Here are some suggestions:
Dribble the ball around traffic cones
Play tunnel or blanket – crawl in a while holding the ball with both hands
Hula hoops: hang them in a branch or on the ground to bounce or score.
Walking with a ball between the knees
Dribble the ball along the plank of wood.
At the end of the track, kick the ball into the goal.
For younger children, simplify the game by letting them roll a ball down a slide or slope, through a tunnel that pops up, or run with it.
Target Practice
Attach the Velcro ball pads from a set on a line post or another suitable surface. Children can take turns tossing the ball from a distance. Awarded a point per successful hit (i.e., the ball sticking to the pad) within a certain period.
Classic Ball Games
Dodge Ball
Bench ball
It is a good way to start the day.
Indoor and outdoor suitable Kids’ Ball Games
Basket Ball
This ball game for kids can easily be adapted to different age groups. This game requires a lot of light balls in 5 or 6 different colors and the same amount of cardboard boxes/washing baskets, colored paper, and pens. Played in teams or by individuals.
Label each box using a square of blank paper that matches the color of the balls
Mark the throwing line using string, then place the boxes/baskets close to the line.
The players take turns throwing as many balls into the container as possible within 30 minutes.
The team with the most balls correctly sorted wins.
This will be easier for the younger children if they are closer to the bins. You can make it harder for older children by mixing colors and words. Write the word RED on YELLOW with a GREEN marker and observe the confusion that results!
Hot potato
The game aims to hold the potato when the timer sounds, not to pass it. Use a light ball when playing indoors.
Standing or sitting the children in a large circle, with enough room to toss a ball to each other.
Set an audible clock on your mobile phone.
The children throw the ball around the circle as fast as possible but must also shout out a food item to accompany the potato. Before they throw
When the timer sounds, the child holding the ball at the time of the sound is out.
Repeat the process until you find a winner.
Buckets & Paper Plates
Arrange a row (one bucket per child) of beach buckets and other containers on a flat surface.
Make a hole about the size of a ping pong ball on one side.
Mark the starting line with the string
Children try to avoid dropping the ball through the hole while carrying it on their plates.
They must tilt the plate to get the ball into the bucket by placing it through the hole. No hands are allowed.
Set a time limit and provide multiple balls. The player who has the most balls in his bucket wins.