The drinking games are a fundamental part of any hen weekend. Drinking games are great for breaking the ice and getting drunk. These games require little or no equipment (except for lots of alcohol! ).
Ban words
No need
Select certain words for the weekend that will likely be used a lot. You can ban words like “wedding,” “bride,” or even the groom’s name. The hen will either have to finish their drink or sip if these words are said.
I have never done anything like this before
No need
This is a great drinking game to get people to meet each other, especially if they’ve just met. The person who announces the game must drink. You can quickly get people drunk by telling them something they would have done. You could say, ‘I have never been abroad.’ You could also ask personal questions to learn more about the person (or a bit too much).
The most likely candidate
No need
On the count of 3, everyone points to the person they believe is most likely. You can ask questions about the wedding. For example,’ most likely on the dancefloor to fall.’ They could also be random questions, such as:’most like to go to prison if someone is pointing you in the direction of a gun, fire.
Prosecco pong
Required: Prosecco plastic glasses and a ball for ping-pong
This is a slightly more sophisticated version of the classic game beer pong. Divide your hens into two teams and arrange the glasses to form two triangles on either side of the table. The players from each team take turns throwing the ball, trying to get it to land into the glasses of the opposing team. If they succeed, the defending team has to drink the prosecco from the cup. When a team’s glasses run out, it ends. The team that has the most glasses wins.
Guess the person
Needed: paper, pen, and glasses
Each hen writes a secret down on a sheet of paper. They then fold it and place it into the glass. Each person picks out the secret and must guess whose secret it is. If they think correctly, the person whose secret it is has to down their drink.
And Mrs
No need
Ask the bride questions to test her knowledge about her future husband. You can ask questions like: “What are your partner’s worst habits?” and “What would your partner consider their worst characteristic?” You can find many other examples online. Ask the bride’s fiancée for some answers in advance.
Cup swap
Needed: Cups, spoons
Each person is given two cups: one with alcohol and the other empty. Then, they have a minute to transfer the maximum alcohol from one cup into another using only a spoon. After one minute, they must drink the remaining alcohol in the cup. To avoid drinking too much alcohol, you need to drink it quickly.
No need
You will be paranoid after playing this game. The hens are seated in a circle, and someone whispers “who” to their neighbor. You can ask: “Who do you believe will marry next?” The person who is being asked must answer aloud. To find out what the question is, the person must drink. If the person decides not to drink and does not want to know, everyone can still find out by whispering.
Sip, sip, shot
No need
This is a drinking version of Duck Duck Goose. All the hens sit in a circular formation, and then someone taps each person on the head, saying, “Sip, Sip, Sip.” All hens are required to drink their drinks. The person who is chosen to go will then choose someone to “shoot.” The person who is going must leave the circle to chase and try to tag the other player. If they are successful, they get to go.
No need
All hens should sit around a large table, with a shot in the center. All hens place their heads on the ground and count to three. All hens are required to look at someone on 3. You’re safe if you’re looking someone in the eye, but they aren’t looking back at you. You must both shout “Medusa!” when you make eye contact with another person.